
Wednesday 26 November 2014

Having a break....

...... I have a lot going on at the moment.
Stressed out to the max, so I don't have much time for the blog. I'm going to put it on hold, enjoy christmas, get the move out the way and get my head back to normal.

I'll be doing a review and a giveaway next week and that will be my last post for a little while. 

Here are some pictures from the last few weeks 

Hope you all have a lovely Christmas x

I will still be posting on my Instagram, and you can follow me here --->My instagram

Sunday 16 November 2014

My Sunday photo #4

I decided today would be a great day to go to did a million and one other people!!!!


Will defiantly think through Sunday plans next time! 


Friday 14 November 2014

Trying something new

I've seen this idea floating around the internet for a while but never really thought about trying it out ...... But then Jon came across it and has asked me to make them. He's ill and off work so I guess I can't really be mean and say no.

Easy eggs .... 

You need::
Chopped up tomatoes 
 You will also need a muffin tray and some spray oil. 

Spray the oil all over the tray then pop in some chopped up Ham, then in to the chopped up toms sprinkle some cheese then crack the egg into the tin to finish sprinkle some more cheese. 
Pop in the oven at 180•c for 10 - 15 minutes depending if you want them runny or not. 

Take out and enjoy

(I over cooked mine but the were still very yummy and I will be making them again!!!)

Thursday 13 November 2014

We all love a Christmas dinner...

....I'm sure like me you all love a good Christmas dinner! 

Now I'm old and have been told the dreadful truth that Father Christmas doesn't do presents for adults, I get more excited about the dinner.....though I'm pretty sure this would be different story if I actually had to cook the dinner myself.
Thank you mum / father in law :) 
(Depending which unlucky household we have descended on during the festive holidays)

Now the fab people over at Ella's kitchen have a yummy new flavour, yes you guessed it......
... A scrummy Christmas dinner with all the trimmings, including turkey, carrots, parsnips, red cabbage, potatoes, onions, green beans, cranberries – even sprouts!! 

The perfect festive meal for little ones from 7 months+

Jingle belly Christmas dinner

For every pouch sold, they will donate at least 30p to the charity kids company to help feed hungry kids in the UK this Christmas! 

So not only will you be treating your lovely little ones to something yummy for their tumtums you
will also be helping out a great cause!!!

The pouches are available now at Tesco!

If you want to donate to Kids Company and help them feed thousands of vulnerable little ones this Christmas, go to

If you want more info you can always Check out Ella's kitchen website

Me add three

My new favourite thing!

Jon treated me to a new baby carrier, as I really can't get on with my gorgeous ring sling and I'm completely pants with woven wraps .....
 I've been getting along fine with my mei tai until just recently as Ru has got that much heavier and my mei tai just doesn't seem to support him as much as he needs or I need. I'm getting a sore back and can only seem to carry him for a short time.

So I had a look what was about and decided on a Tula baby carrier. 

They do a range of funky designs and they even do toddler carriers.
I went with the rockets. 

I'm completely head over heals in love with it. 
Not only does it look fantastic, carrying him is a dream. It makes me want to have him on all the time, and it really takes no time at all to pop him on, which when I'm running ridiculously late for the school run (which is most days) that much easier! 

It's perfect no fuss or faff. 

Ru seems very happy with it and he has lots of growing room in it.

Now to be brave enough to try out a back carry! 

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Wicked Wednesday #5

In this house we don't just eat food, we like to wear it too .....


Monday 10 November 2014

What we got up to at the weekend - Point and shoot linky

Saturday we didn't really do anything as it was raining so badly!! Noah spent the day with my dad as my mum was away and my dad wanted some company. They went shopping then played on the playstation, then went out for a curry - a proper boys day. Noah always loves his special days with his mergie .....(Noah made up this name for my dad when he was a baby and it's stuck, now all the kids call him that and he loves it) 
Oscar gave us a little musical show and Ru slept a lot ( I think he may be coming down with something.) we watched all the toys stories and built lots of mega blocks robots.

On Sunday the sun was out so our usual Sunday walk went ahead. We went over to the Heath and let the boys go crazy. They had a lot of built up energy from staying indoors all day Saturday. 
Alex ran away from witches and Noah pretended he was a Jedi. Little Oscar just ran around like a headless chicken.
We saw a lot of lovely dogs - when we move we are going to add to our family by getting a dog, so we are constantly on the look out for nice child friendly dogs.  
We then went to Jon's parents for afternoon tea and scones! :) 

You Baby Me Mummy

Friday 7 November 2014

BEAR fruit snacks :: mini review

So the lovely people at BEAR sent me a few packets of their yummy snacks to try.

The twins are big fans of the Paws fruit shapes and I've fooled them into thinking they're sweetie....tried it on Noah but failed miserably.

The twins are completely wild and I do try my best to limit their sugar intake, so I'm always on the look out for better alternatives

I feel good about giving them BEAR snacks as I know there is no nonsense in them and they think they are having a sweet, we just don't get that crazy sugar explosion that we get from other said sweets

My test subject for the mango and pineapple fruit nibbles was Oscar (Alex was asleep so he missed out on the fun) 

Oscar happily munched on them whilst he sat and watched toy story (obviously much more interesting than looking at mummy) 

We think BEAR fruit snacks are great and they always end up in our shopping trolley!

Have a look at their website for more details and their other range Click to find out more

The book advent calendar

I've seen a lot of posts on other lovely blogs, Facebook,twitter and instagram about this fab idea.....
wrap up 24 books and let the children pick one each night on the lead up to Christmas.

I think this idea is amazing and wish id known about it sooner. As you know we do love our books in this house! I think The book advent calendar will make story time that little bit more exciting as they won't know what book they will be reading until they have opened it.

The books can be new or old or a mixture of both. I've bought some new ones and picked out some old ones. Mainly they are all Christmas themed and some are our all time favourites. 

I have 13 so far and some more in the post which I have ordered from amazon. I love buying new books, it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling. "My names Hannah and I am a book hoarder!"

Once I have all my books I'll then do the fun bit if wrapping them all up. 

I'm really getting into the Christmas spirit now, I'll be singing Christmas songs before you know it. I
ordered the boys a Christmas elf (elf on the shelf but a bit cheaper), I really think all the boys will
love it. I usually say the elves are watching but that eventually leads to a very freaked out Noah. So I
think if he can actually see this little doll he won't get so spooked.
They all love toy story and they all still think toys come alive when they aren't around. So this should
go down a treat, I just have to make sure I can think of some fun things for the little elf to get up too
whilst they are sleeping.

What Christmas traditions do you do in your house, or are you starting any new ones year?

I'm joining this post up with Cate's Christmas count down linky over at Me add three

Me add three

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Wicked Wednesday #4

Alex decided once he put Mimi's boots on he was a cowboy......but he couldn't quite find a horse. 
New aged Cowboys ride pigs right?!?


Tuesday 4 November 2014

My top 5 baby products

Having had 4 little babies, one still being rather small I have worked my way through a ton of baby products.

I thought I would share with you my top 5  baby products that I would be lost with out ....

To start off with my top baby must have is ....
Gro bags 

All the boys have slept peacefully in these.
We have a massive collection which now Ru is working his way through. 
They really do give me peace of mind and they really do sleep soundly in them.
The twins only stopped using theirs 6 months ago when we moved them into big boy beds. Ru is now in his first gro bag and like I said before he has lots to choose from. 

Sleep aids!

Noah never had one as he slept with me until he was 3, so I was his personal sleep aid.

The twins have had a couple, at the moment they have the cloud b turtle 

They still find having the lullaby music on settling and know it as part as there routine, once that's playing they know it's time to sleep.

Ru has the Ewan the dream sheep

He has it on the womb/heart beat sound and it soothes him right off into the land of nod.

Amber teething necklaces 

Poor Noah missed out on this magic!
I really do swear by them. The twins had them .... Alex still wears his and Ru has one too. 
I never had any issues with the twins teething, and Ru has popped up his yep bottom teeth and I had no clue he was teething! 

Baby massage oil 

I'm currently using the above oil, I got it off an Etsy shop .... But I think the owner has now shut it down.
I have done baby massage courses with all the boys and I really see it's benefits. The twins no longer allow me to massage them but every now and then Noah will want a foot rub.  Ru has one every night after his bath.

Muslin squares

I have these stashed all over the house, if I was to put them all in one place I could probably fill up a chest of drawers with them. 
Not only are they handy to mop up baby sick, snot what have you, they make great comforters all my boys have become very attached to theirs.
Noah only gave up sleeping with one around the age of 5, the twins have a swaddle muslin that they sleep with and carry around and even Ru at 6 months likes to have one close by when he's sleeping.

So there are my top 5 can't live with out baby products. 
What would yours be???

Saturday 1 November 2014

Angel Delight Moments

This post is an entry for #AngelDelightMoments linky challenge 

I have never ever had Angel Delight - I was deprived from it's goodness as a child and since then I've never had the urge to try it. Jon on the other hand loves it and will eat a whole packet to himself from the bowl he makes it up in *cough*piggy*cough*

When I saw the opportunity to try out the new bubblegum flavour I thought why not!!

Jon was put off by all the pinkness but when it came to eating it he was less than impressed that he had to share it with all of us!

Noah wanted to try it in milkshake form but we didn't have any ice cream so he had to make do with the pudding.

It didn't take too long to make up which is always a nice bonus in a busy household.

I added fresh strawberries to decorate it and make it look more exciting and everyone loves strawberries.....apart from me so I took mine off before eating and gave it to Noah.

Everyone including myself really enjoyed it. I was actually really surprised by how nice it was. Noah gave it the thumbs up though he didn't eat it all nor did Alex, I think it was too sweet for them but Jon, Oscar and myself gobbled it up. 

I will be buying more Angel Delight in all the other flavours specially Jon's favourite which is butterscotch when I next go shopping. It will make pudding night that bit more exciting rather than the usual which more often than not is either a muller corner yogurt or a ice lolly.

Click the link to find  Angel delight on facebook