
Friday 24 June 2022

How to Raise a Team Player


A team player means you’re able to handle tough decisions, be able to manage problems that are presented in front of you, and be able to feel resilient and capable of handling your own. These are key for a child to pick up their first extracurricular activities, sports, and other hobbies that involve a group of people, but it’s also key for their development in school projects as well.


In this guide from a prep school in Hertfordshire, we take a look at the ways you can help your child to be a team player.

Test their communication skills

Being a team player means you have to learn to communicate. Your child should be well versed in knowing how to talk to others and give their own opinions, their thoughts on a situation, and work out an action plan. Team players need to communicate to ensure a plan or project is going ahead as planned, and to inform others if there are changes to said plan.

Allow your child to explore a range of different activities

Exposure to different activities is a great way to see what your child enjoys and what they’d rather avoid in the future. A lot of these activities rely on teamwork, so it’s a perfect environment for your child to practice being a reliable member of the team. From team sports like football to big art projects for a mural at school, they all rely on children working together to get the job done well.

Put your child in the driver’s seat

Independent thinking also factors into a child’s understanding of how they can be an effective team player. Teams always need a leader to put a team in the right direction and your child could have the qualities a team could be after. Leaders direct teams, take into account other opinions and work together on making the best decisions for the group.

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Thursday 23 June 2022

The Benefits of Coding Lessons for Children


Coding is a great resource for children to have in their back pocket that they can use to help them in a variety of ways. From building websites and animations to designing prototypes and products from scratch, there’s a lot that coding can be used for in modern-day society, which is why coding is a beneficial tool for kids to have.


In this guide from a grammar school in Surrey we take a look at the big benefits coding lessons have on children.

It can help your child discover what coding can be used for

There are heaps of reasons why coding is important in the modern-day and it can be why a lot of kids can naturally feel interested in learning about it. It can be used to make some of their favourite video games, apps, and animations they find online. It can also be used to make decisions using carefully built algorithms, which can really entice a child to learn more about the greatness coding can bring to them.

Sparks a child’s creativity

In the same vein as finding out what coding is used for, it also helps your child learn to be creative. Since there are so many different areas of coding to explore, your child can better learn how they can make their own creations with just a few lines of code. The results are done in real-time, so your child can look at what they’ve created and make amends to their designs. 

Improves a child’s writing skills

Code is only made through typing, so your child will soon have a real grasp on their writing skills once they pick up coding lessons. It will teach your child how to spell words correctly, as well as being able to know when and where to use each word that operates different parts of the code.

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Wednesday 22 June 2022

Helping Your Child Develop their Problem Solving Skills


Managing problem-solving skills can be a fun way to test your child’s ability to handle things in their own way, as well as building their resilience. 

From the moment they start being able to talk and interact with things around them, your child should have the freedom to build their problem-solving skills.


To help your child with their problem-solving skills, here are some ways to help from this private school in Surrey.

See how your child picks things up in their own way

At a young age, it can feel really difficult to feel like you shouldn’t jump in and direct your child. You should however make it so that they can handle what they can before you intervene. If you dive in too early it can mean that your child is going to be more reliant on you as opposed to handling the problems themselves. Take a step back and see how they get on, and if required you can point them in the right direction.

Set up problems in a controlled area

To test a toddler’s skills, most of the time you will have to find ways to help them figure out problems in a controlled environment. Free play is a good way to have problems set up and allow your child to figure out what they can do next. 

In giving them a space to learn freely they get the opportunity to find what problems they can solve and what they need a bit more help with.

Identify strengths and weaknesses

A lot of life is spent solving different problems and knowing what to do when they arise. All of us have our own strengths and weaknesses, which is important for a child to realise early on to help with their development. When your child grows a bit older you’ll be able to pinpoint the areas they need more support.

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Monday 20 June 2022

How Do My Child's Lifestyle Choices Impact their Education?


Lifestyle choices impact a child’s ability to focus, their overall functional skills in the classroom, and their concentration. All of these aid a child’s chances to progress in school, and it can mean that your child can fall behind on their studies if they’re not careful.

 It’s important to check in with your child’s progress and ensure their lifestyle choices are not having an impact.


In this guide from a nursery in Surrey we take a look at these lifestyle choices that can have a particular impact on your child’s progress.


A common one will be what your child eats in a day and if they’re able to have a balanced diet. A sensible mix of fruit and vegetables, as well as carbohydrates, grains, and plenty of fluids will make for a happy and healthy child. 

This doesn’t mean your child can’t have a treat now and then, but it shouldn’t be a constant thing. Foods high in fat and sugar can impact a child’s concentration, weight, and sleep patterns.


Taking up exercise in whatever way your child likes to enjoy will benefit both their physical and mental health. Schools have a range of sports and exercise programmes for children to explore which can help them find a love for exercising on a regular basis. 

By exercising regularly, children are able to improve their level of fitness, their engagement in class, and improve their personal development skills.


A child that isn’t getting enough sleep every night can seriously impact their focus in the classroom. It’s why your child should be heading to sleep at around the same time each night, with any distracting devices potentially keeping them awake removed.

 Improved sleep will give your child the chance to pay more attention in class, as well as getting them into a healthy routine.


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Sunday 5 June 2022

Bea at nearly 16 months old.

I haven’t done a Bea update in a long time, so I thought I’d share one now, seeing as she’s nearly 16 months old!!!

Where has the time gone?

She is turning into such a character.
We’re still breastfeeding, in fact, she still feeds like a newborn.
If I’m sat down most often than not she’ll be on me having a feed just because she can.

She hates her cot, so much so she’s never slept in it, and Jon is cursing the day I made him but such an expensive one! 

I’ve completely failed at setting up a routine with her, all the boys had such a strict one and all benefitted from it and I’ve no idea why I can’t seem to get my bum into gear and start a proper one with her.
I keep blaming the fact its because she is breastfed but I know that's not the real reason, it's just me being lazy in a way.

She still has contact naps so I don’t ever get a moment's peace as she’s always on me or with me, so if anyone could point me in the direction of a good how-to book with guild line’s on would be great. 

She is getting better with food and is now enjoying most things I give her. 
She loves apples, though even more, she loves biting into every apple in the fruit bowl just to find that perfect one! 

She loves being outside exploring and trying to make friends with the chickens.

She still hates being in the car.

She loves music and dancing around the kitchen.

She loves water play, any water she finds her hands are in it, her current favourite is playing in the dog and cat bowls when I'm not looking and then emptying them all over the floor. I really need to buy her a water table.

She doesn't really play with her toys, I don't think they are suitable for her or just don't appeal to her so I need to find some that she likes as currently, she won't really play like the others did at this age and would rather just sit on me and feed and occasionally go over to her toys and just chuck them about then come back to me,
Even if I show her, she doesn't tend to spend more than a minute before she knocks them over and moans for a feed.

 I think if I can get her into a decent routine, get her used to sleeping in her own bed without needing constant feeds throughout the night and get her to start using up all her energy in a good way by attending more groups, weekly swimming trips and play at home we'll both benefit from it.

She is a right little diva but we all still adore her funny little ways.

Any help with a routine or toy recommendations would be fab.