
Wednesday 19 October 2016

Ru // Asthma Pump

Over the weekend I noticed Ru had a really nasty cough.
Which was worse in the evening and morning.
I decided to call the doctors first thing on Monday to get him check out.

I was thinking beginnings of a chest infection or something viral.
I got to our doctors with not a lot of hope as usually they are so rubbish.

I explained what was up and the doctor had a good listen of his chest and looked in his ears and mouth and she said it wasn't a chest infection and she though it sounded a bit like asthma.

So she prescribed him a blue pump and spacer.
I'm completely in the dark when it comes to asthma but Jon has it and wasn't too surprised when I came back with it.

He's to take it every time he has a coughing fit.
He isn't too keen on it and I can manage about one pump before he pulls the mask away.

He hasn't fully been diagnosed with asthma and the doctor didn't say much after she told me how to use the pump.

So I'm still slightly confused as to whether this is something that's going to be long term.
Has anyone else's toddler been given a pump?


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