Friday 31 October 2014

Halloween fun 2014

So today was Halloween. 

We don't usually go all out as we never really did it as kids ourselves. Saying that it wasn't as big back then as it is now. We should really get with the times.

I have always bought Noah a costume as he's always been into dressing up. This year he had a party to go to so I said id do his face and paint his nails.

He was really over the moon (as was I, I'm sure I earned a 100 cool mum points) by the time id picked him up all the face paint had been sweated away, and he didn't remember if people liked it or not :(

What a Fail, I was hoping for a full report on how everyone was blown away by my skills. 

The twins didn't want to wear their outfits but they did want me do their nails to match Noah's.

Id bought Ru a special my 1st Halloween romper but I forgot to wash it, so he wore a little monster top and his elephant slug and snails tights.

I wanted to join in the festive fun, so I popped on my best looking Wednesday Addams dress I own - standard thing to have in your wardrobe, right???

I can see Halloween becoming a massive thing in our house once the boys all get bigger. We are already a ready made party. I will embrace this and I'q actually looking forward to hosting my own parties. 
Seeing everyone's pictures all over Instagram and twitter has really inspired me 

Hope you all had spooookyly fun day x 

Thursday 30 October 2014

Ru update ...

So Ru is 6 months old (excuse me while I have a little cry)
He has his two bottom teeth, his eyes seem to he changing to a hazel colour and his hair has a slight auburn tinge to it. 
He is wearing 9 - 12 clothes and in disposable nappies (which we wear at night) he is a 4+. 

He can sit up on his own 

We are weaning as I'm sure you have seen in pervious posts. 
I'm making his purées and occasionally using Ella's kitchen pouches.
Surprise surprise he does indeed love his food. 

We have a slight crawling movement, isn't spot on but boy does he move!

He has always been very chatty and he rarely is quiet.

He can say dada, which Jon is over the moon about 

He is such a super baby. Rarely cries and he sleeps perfectly. I'm so happy to be blessed with such an awesome baby (obviously the others were all just as awesome too, though I'm sure they cried more and slept less)

Here are a few of my favourite Ru pictures from the last few months.


We received our first nonabox this afternoon. I've been pretty excited about this turning up (like a child waiting for Christmas) 

It was lovely to unwrap it, I nearly did it with out taking pictures I was that excited. 

I was a little disappointed with it to be honest. Compared to my first sassy bloom box which had me head over heels, this was just a bit meh.

Though with that said It was still filled with some great things such as ....

 Aden + anais muslin cloth. I love love love this,  I keep seeing great reviews about them and I'm really happy that we now own one. 

The water wipes are always lovely and I have used these before, they have gone straight into the changing bag.

Bennetts aqueous bath drops and bennetts bum creme.
I've never used the bennetts baby range but I do like the look of it, so Ru will be having his bath tonight with the aqueous bath drops. This will also be great for the twins as they sometimes have big eczema break outs. 
The bum creme will be popped into our nappy basket for when it's needed.

The nuk soothers get the thumbs up as we use the nuk bottles so will be nice to see if Ru likes the soothers too, plus I do need to upgrade his soothers to the next stage as he is now 6 months.

The organic baby wash smells lovely and will be using this on Ru and all the other monsters. 

Last but not least we have the chilli peeps 3 in 1 spout. What a clever idea,
I'm not sure I'll be able to use on Ru as he's rather fussy when it comes to teats but I will put it away and try when he's a bit older. 

I'm hoping our next box will be a bit more exciting. I'll be putting a hold on our boxes for now as we are just about to move house, so once we are settled in our new shiny house i will start them up again.


Tulleys farm

On Tuesday I took the boys to tulleys farm for a bit of Halloween fun.
I have been to the tulleys farm shocktober fest a few times before, it's always fun to scream your head off and not be judged lol. 

In the day time it's all rather pleasant. I was worried the twins would still be a bit too young but they had a whale of a time. 
I did attemp to go into the boo barn with them but as soon as Alex saw a big witch he shook his head said no turned around and walked back out. I really wished id filmed it as it was so funny.

We did the maze, we got all the numbers on our check list so they all won a sticky skeleton which they were all very pleased with.

For a family of 5 it cost £55 which I do think is a bit much but it's half term
And we haven't done much else. So I'll let that slide :) 

Boys waiting to get on the haunted hayride

On the tractor looking a bit worried 

Monday 27 October 2014

Top five favourite books at the moment

We do love a good book before bed in this house. 

As part of our daily routine we make sure we read the twins a story once they are in bed. We then let Noah have his time to read to us and then be able to have story of his choice for his bedtime story. 
We don't yet read to Ru on his own as he normally is asleep before the boys bedtime. 

Currently we have been reading ....

~ Marmaduke the very different dragon - Rachel valentine 

~ Room on the Broom - Julia Donaldson 

~ each peach pear plum - Janet and Allan Ahlberg

~ we're going on a bear hunt - Michael Rosen 

~ Night monkey, Day monkey - Julia Donaldson 

Noah picked out his top five books and this was the result of over ten minutes umming and ahhhhing

~ Superworm - Julia Donaldson 

~ The Gruffalo - Julia Donaldson 

~Captain underpants and the big, bad battle of the bionic booger boy. Part 1: the night of the nasty nostril nuggets - Dav Pilkey

~ The Troll - Julia Donaldson 

~ Fantastic Mr Fox - Roald Dahl 

I am a great lover of all Julia Donaldson and I'm working my way to having all her fantastic books in the boys book collections. 

What are you currently reading to your little ones? 
What are your favourite childrens authors? 

Thursday 23 October 2014

We had a twin bake off

Last week I had to make cakes for a cake day at Noah's school.
 Whilst out at Asda buying the ingredients the twins decided to help themselves to two boxes of toy story cakes.

Seeing as they were on offer at £1 each I couldn't really say no.

Once we were home I set up the table so they could get busy 

They did really well with the mixing and for them didn't actually make much mess!! 

The cakes didn't turn out too bad and they were all gone within a day! 
(Cakes never last long in this house!)

I think it's really important to give your kids the chance to have messy play. It helps with their development and it's fun.

I did read an article the other day on netmums which said some parents shy away from messy play as they are too busy to clean up afterwards 
 I can understand that some people are too busy to do said activities on a daily basis especially for working parents. 

But as a stay at home mum I do try my best to get the boys doing a least a couple of messy play activities at home during the week 
Such as baking
Sensory play

What messy play activities do you do with your little ones? 

Saturday 18 October 2014

Park life

A little while ago I wrote a post about how I always dread taking the boys to the park on my own.......

Well i gave myself a BIG kick up the bum and take them at least twice a week, normally in the morning when we've dropped Noah off at school.

It's so nice seeing them run around and be free. 
They do actually listen when I say not to do something,  God knows why I thought they wouldn't. 
 They listen when I'm with other people so they would be no reason for them not too when it's just me. 

I've always had an issue with doing things on my own as I have far too many insecurities and always think the worst will happen when out and about on my own, but my boys were missing out on fun normal things just because of me being ridiculous. I'm glad I've given myself a push as they need to be out and about having fun...,,,,,I shouldn't be sitting around waiting for someone else to help me being a mother!!!!!

It's been raining pretty much every day recently so the boys have been getting cabin fever, so seeing as the sun was in the sky this morning I drove straight to the park once Noah had been dropped off. Yes everything was rather wet but it didn't stop they boys having fun. 

They got soaked, so I had to take off half their clothes before getting them into their carseats. 

Once home we popped on their onesies had a cup of tea and some pancakes.

Also getting them out, they aren't as crazy once home. 
Crazy Boys need to be walked at least once a day!! Lol.