Last week was a good week, my bestie came to stay for the week.
Rupert started the week out by turning into a bit of a naked gardener and we started his sleep diary.
I also managed to send back the questionnaires we were sent.
So hopefully by the time we are seen again this sleep diary will be full and they'll see how bad he is when it comes to bedtime.
I also started a bit of a health kick and put my love affair with coffee on the sidewalk and turned back to Green Tea.
I really want to start feeling better about myself and I can slowly see Im heading to where I really want to be.
I know I'm never going to have my pre twins / Rupert body back as being just under 8stone is a tad unrealistic these days, but to not feel so flabby would be fab!
Rupert made friends with another butterfly.
He found it laying in the grass and gently picked it up and then played with it for about half an hour.
Once the butterfly was done being friendly it flew off.
On Monday Jenny arrived and we spent the morning with the boys and then just before lunch we headed off for a girlie afternoon in the Spa.
Jenny had booked it as a surprise to help cheer me up.
Before we went to the spa we headed off to Sainsbury's to see if I could pick up a new costume, as I had bought one from asos but when I tried it on, I could have cried.
Unfortunately there were no costumes in Sainsbury's so we just ended up getting some lunch and then headed off to the spa.
Pre Spa Lunch. |
Once at the spa we changed into our costumes and put on our robes and headed into the waiting room to pick our treatments.
I was wanting to get the raindrop massage but it turned out because I'd had my op only recently I wasn't allowed to have a full massage.
My options were a facial and a manicure or a manicure and a pedicure.
I was more than a little disappointed as I've never been keen on the idea of a facial as I hate anyone touching my face but then I decided if I wanted a little pampering I was going to have to give it ago.
So I decided to try a mini facial and have a manicure.
Before our treatments we hung out in the thermal spa and relaxation room.
We had our treatments in a double room which was nice and to my surprise I actually really enjoyed my facial!
I would definitely have another one!
After the spa we headed out to dinner and it was alright but nothing really special.
After moaning to my mum about how I was getting really upset about seeing everyone's pregnancy announcements and all their gorgeous new babies and thinking that was meant to be me.
(I obviously am really happy for everyone whose expecting but at times it feels like a knife in the heart every time I see a post)
My mum decided to treat me to some new boots.
Her words - 'She can't give me a baby but she can give me new boots!'
They did pick me up and I felt happy walking around in them.
So thanks mum :)
Rupert went off to nursery dressed up as all the leavers were having a Disney dress up week, he wasn't really keen on going but as soon as I told him he could dress up and that Jenny and myself were going to take him he instantly decided that he would go.
While he was at nursery we took the rest of the boys off to Hunstanton to have a go at pirate crazy golf.
We split into two teams, Jenny, Jon and Alex and Myself, Oscar and Noah.
I'm not sure which team won but it was a great way to spend the morning.
Afterwards we headed up to Hunstanton Ice Cream factory and all had an ice cream.
In the evening we had a bit of a games and ice cream night.
We played Trivial Pursuit the 2000s edition and I was all set to lose because Jon usually wins these sorts of games but surprisingly I won!
Which Jon was not too pleased about.
Noah had his first ever audition for something Star Wars related.
He's always liked the idea of going on an audition ever since the twins had one and after seeing his cousin Isla on a few TV adverts.
He's really shy and Ive never really thought it would be something he'd want to do, but when I asked he jumped at the chance and said yes!
I told him to just be himself and not get nervous when he saw the camera.
He did really well, he was only slightly shy and did everything he was asked to do.
He probably won't get the part but he said he really enjoyed himself and would do another audition if he got the chance.
So to treat him we headed into Norwich to find somewhere to eat.
We found Noah's favourite place - Yo Sushi and headed inside to grab some food.
Noah was like a little meerkat peering over at the belt and seeing what he could see.
Every time he got a new plate he did a happy dance.
It was quite nice to just spend time with Noah.
When Noah was little Jenny and I were always taking him on day trips, so it felt just like that.
I really need to make sure I have little outings with just Noah as I'm sure he probably feels a bit left out, specially as Ru takes up a lot of my time.
We all filled our tums and then headed back to the car.
My favourite - Avocado Maki Rolls. |
We thought it would be fun to try and get home without the SatNav....we only got a little lost.
It should have taken an hour but it took nearly two.
The boys uniform all turned up and for Ru I decided to try him on some leggings which I got from the girls section.
I know he won't wear joggers to nursery as he needs trousers to be super tight or he doesn't like the feel so I was pleasantly surprised that he really took to them and has been wearing them ever since!
They're tight and soft, just perfect for him.
I'll have to buy him some more for when the weather starts to turn cold.
I've seen lots of cool ones on
Zara and I'm also going to buy him some more
Slug & Snails tights as he still tries to fit into his old ones.
The boys pretending to be at a farm on our hay delivery. |
Jenny went home on Thursday and we were meant to be heading to my parents on the Friday but because of Jon's back still playing up we were unable to do the journey so to keep the boys happy we headed to Jon's parents to let them play in the pool.