Thursday 7 July 2016

Breaking The Taboo With Always Discreet

Empowering Women Everywhere!

Did you know 1 in 3 women suffer with incontinence.
Nor did I, till I attended the special screening of Always Discreet event.

This means you already know someone who is having to deal with this in secret!
What I asked myself was should they really have to be suffering in silence?

Woman's bodies are amazing.
Why then are women's bodily functions seen as taboo and make us feel far to embarrassed to mention them.

I still get embarrassed buying sanitary towels in the supermarket, and always make sure I go to the self serve checkout when they are in my trolley.

So I can see why women who are having to deal with being incontinent they aren't likely to speak up very easily.

It was uplifting watching the Always Discreet film seeing these amazing women talk up about what's going on with them.

What also amazed me was that it didn't stop them living, it may have felt like that when the problem first arose but once they learnt how to deal with it they carried on being themselves.
Nothing really changed.

The women in the film were inspiring, if they can speak up anyone can.

Lets stop this ridiculous taboo and make it normal to speak up when something isn't quite right and not feel ashamed about it.

It was lovely to hear the women talking in person after the film was shown, and seeing how happy they were with the thought that because of them speaking up someone else might be able too.

Always Discreet has made a huge impact on their lives.
Helping them carry on and not worry about having leaks at unexpected times because their pads aren't doing their jobs properly.

The Purpose of Always Discreet.
We believe that every woman deserves to be free to move
spontaneously at every stage of her life. That’s why we
created Always Discreet, a unique line-up of sensitive bladder
protection products from the No.1 most trusted brand in
feminine protection. It’s the perfect combination of form,
function and feminine design.

With Always Discreet, sensitive bladder can feel like no big deal.
And that’s a really big deal.

Here is the inspiring video that was watched at the special screening.

I had a great time at the event, not only did I learn something I ate lots of yummy cakes and drank a few glasses of prosecco.
A great evening all round.

**This was a sponsored post**

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