Sunday 9 July 2017

South Beach

We've had a few weeks of constant crying and meltdowns from Ru, so to give him a change of scenery we took him for a mid week stroll along the beach.

When we lived in Kent, I always made sure I took Ru to the beach once a week as I knew he liked it and it's always the one place he truly relaxes at.

I'm not sure why I haven't taken him to the beach since moving here.
It's closer....we can actually walk to it, its that close.

His face lit up when he realised where we were, and he was eager to jump out the van.
For the first time, he was interested in looking for shells, rather than just rocks.
So I gave him an empty poo bag and let him fill it up with all the different shells he could find.

The tide was out so we got to have a good walk and look in all the sea puddles.
We tried to find some crabs, but only came across dead ones or really tiny ones...

Ru pretty much had the beach to himself, apart from a few people jogging along the pathways.
He went off exploring on his own and didn't stop smiling.

It was nice to see him finally relax a bit after a couple of crap weeks, he's moved up to the big room in nursery and he seems to be struggling to find his place at home.
He's gone from sleeping well back to not sleeping at all, but thrown into the mix he now wakes up and screams like he's being murder and will run and hide in the most strangest place, then I have to run around in the dark trying to find him. Not something I really enjoy doing in the middle of the night.

I've made a promise to start taking him to the beach weekly, specially now the weather is amazing and if I walked with him in the pushchair, it would take up most the morning.
Beats sitting in front of the iPad or popping to Tesco.

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