Monday 29 August 2016

#HartleysLunchBox Challenge

Out of all the boys, Ru is my worst eater. 

Some days he will go all day with out eating.
Other days he'll wake up and just eat bananas and that will be it.

So I'm always trying different ways to make him find food more exciting.
I hadn't actually thought maybe a lunch box would help.

Ru loved decorating his special Hartley's lunch box, so I was pretty positive he would find what I put inside yummy!

For this lunch idea I went with,
Peanut butter rolled up wraps,
Carrot batons and dip,
Sweet Cinnamon Puffcorn,
Crispy Veggie Waffles - Sweet Beet & Shallot,
Alphabet Biscuits and
Hartley's Sugar Free Jelly Pot.

Growing kids need plenty of starchy foods to fill them up and give them energy.
Nutritious meals packed with fibre, protein, carbohydrate and vitamins will also help your child's growing bones and give them a healthy dose of brain power for the afternoon ahead

You can find
Fibre in cereal, fruit, bread and vegetables
Protein in meats, poultry, fish, dairy products, eggs and beans.
Carbohydrates in potatoes, rice, cereal, bread, pasta and some vegetables & fruit.
Vitamins in dairy products (milk, eggs and butter) fresh fruit and vegetables.

When trying to get Ru to eat, I always try to present it in a fun and child friendly way.
Cupcake cases help with this, they also section off different foods which is always a bonus if your child doesn't like their food touching.
I also tend to use cookie cutters when it comes to cutting the boys sandwiches.
Squares and triangles can get a bit boring after a while, but presenting them with star/teddy/butterfly sandwiches always makes the boys smile.

Hartley's jelly pots are championing the back to school period with a brand new campaign.
Hartley's Your Lunchbox.
Jelly pots are the perfect size for children's lunchboxes, providing a wide range of flavours to keep the youngsters happy.

Hartley's are offering consumers the chance to collect 12 special addition green lids from across the no added sugar range, to claim a free Hartley's lunchbox and stickers.
(like the one Ru has been using.)

You can claim your lunchbox by heading to the Hartley's website

“This post is an entry for BritMums #HartleysYourLunchbox Linky Challenge, sponsored by Hartley’s Jelly


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