Tuesday 22 February 2022

How to Raise an Environmentally Conscious Child

A child that’s aware of the world and how they can make their impact is a big part of how they view the world in the future. As they become aware of the problems facing the world - plastic pollution, food waste, carbon dioxide forming the greenhouse effect on the planet - they can help more around the home with their own knowledge.


These tips from a nursery school in London will help you to raise a child that’s aware of the ways they can be eco-friendly.

Get them involved in the recycling

Recycling can be an easy game to incorporate with your child. Have all of the bins laid out in a row and the rubbish that needs to be separated. 

Now ask your child to decide where each bit of rubbish should go. Be sure to clean the items you’re asking your child to dispose of. This can also be an activity your child can help with, as cleaning the items before entering the recycling bin is best practice!

Involve science lessons around climate change

Thankfully, a lot of media these days around climate change and the impact of global warming has been tailored to be child-friendly. Books, TV programmes, films, and even apps or games can educate your child on the importance of changing our habits. Make these into mini-lessons your child can learn about overtime, as well as the lessons they’ll be taught in school.

Show your child the little things they can do at home

Encourage them to turn off the lights in rooms that aren’t being used. Ask them to consider microwaving things instead of using the oven to cook everything to save on gas. 

Encourage them to use blankets to keep them warmer to slowly save on heating costs. 

Small things like these not only improve your electricity bill but also gives your child awareness of how much their energy input impacts the planet.

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