Friday 14 November 2014

Trying something new

I've seen this idea floating around the internet for a while but never really thought about trying it out ...... But then Jon came across it and has asked me to make them. He's ill and off work so I guess I can't really be mean and say no.

Easy eggs .... 

You need::
Chopped up tomatoes 
 You will also need a muffin tray and some spray oil. 

Spray the oil all over the tray then pop in some chopped up Ham, then in to the chopped up toms sprinkle some cheese then crack the egg into the tin to finish sprinkle some more cheese. 
Pop in the oven at 180•c for 10 - 15 minutes depending if you want them runny or not. 

Take out and enjoy

(I over cooked mine but the were still very yummy and I will be making them again!!!)

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