Thursday 5 May 2016

Pet Food Review || Tails - Tailor Made Dog Food

Ray has such a sensitive tummy, so sensitive that if he even looks at something he should eat, he poops!
I'm sure its down to him eating whatever and wherever he could when he was a stray puppy back in Cyprus.

We find it so hard to find a dog food that suit his needs.

He'll like some for a few days and then go off them and then some will give him such a bad tummy that we'll will come down in the morning to a big old mess.

When reading about I thought this could be the solution to all our troubles!

Ray has been doing the free two week trail, and so far so good.

He's actually finishing all his bowl meal after meal and having no tummy issues what so ever!!

It comes with a handy scoop, which you can personalise to your dogs needs.
Ray is L-12 and he can have two scoops a day.

It's so lovely to see Ray enjoying his food, and knowing that its not going to have any bad after effects on him.
His coat is shiny, his eyes gleam and he is one happy dog!!

What says;
               "With different personalities, different lifestyles and different nutritional requirements, no two dogs are the same. In fact, they are the most diverse species on the planet and as such their optimal nutritional requirements vary widely.               
So when it comes to their diet, 'one-size-fits-all' doesn't work. 
               That's why we create tailor-made food that is optimised for each individual dog so you can provide your dog their ideal nutrition based on their requirements and preferences: breed (including cross-breeds), life stage, physical condition, energy level, flavour and ingredient preferences, health issues and dietary exclusions. 
We even gradually adapt the blend over time as your dog ages and his nutritional requirements change naturally."

The website couldn't be any easier to use, once you've filled in all your dogs details, it tells you what will be in the food and tells you how much of that food your dog should be eating a day.

It goes through everything that's inside the food, and why its there and why its good for your dog, if your dog has any specially requirements and it will make sure the food suits him/her down to the T. 

Then once you log back in, right on the home screen it tells you when your next payment will be due and the last day you can make any changes and when it will next be delivered.

Nice and clear, plain and simple.
There's nothing I hate more than hidden payment plans that you have to spend ages searching the site for.

Our next delivery is next week, and I know it will be one that gets Ray trying to grab the box from the postman himself!

Every time Ray sees me get the bag out of the cupboard his tail starts wagging!
A sure sign he's a very happy customer!!

The guys over at have given you a discount code for a two week free trail, with only £1 P&P.

::Discount Code::


Why not head over and start your trail today!

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