Saturday 18 June 2016

Keeping Your Bedroom Cool During The Hotter Months

I've teamed up with the guys over at Yorkshire Linen to help give you a couple of tips on how to keep your bedroom cool during the summer months.

Pictures found on Pinterest

Linen bedspreads are a great way to keep cool in bed.

"Linen helps you keep nice and cosy in the winter but it also allows you to keep cool when it's hot!
Linen is a highly absorbent, temperature regulating fabric that becomes softer after every wash! Best of all, some studies have suggested that linen bedding can improve sleep! A widely quoted study from the University of Milan found that you fall asleep faster, sleep deeper, and wake up in a better mood after sleeping on linen sheeting. Warm in the winter and cool in the summer — linen is a breathable fabric which can wick away moisture, unlike lesser polyester blend sheets."

One thing I do every summer, is keep the curtains drawn and the windows open.
Which helps keeps the room nice and airy.

It helps keeps the sun from warming up the room, so that when it comes to bedtime you're not off to sleep in a stuffy room.
No one wants or likes that!

Fine Linen curtains help keep the room cool, but don't make the room too gloomy/dark, you may not want the room to be ridiculously hot but you also don't really want to spend the day sat around in the dark.

Not only do Linen curtains help keep the bedroom cool, they add a whole new level of elegance and style to the room.
By just putting up a new pair of curtains the room instantly looks fresh and new.

Fine Linen curtains with a black out blind are a perfect must have for the summer.

Linen curtains at Yorkshire Linen's website suit all budgets and rooms.

Pictures from Pinterest
**This was a sponsored post**

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