Thursday 29 September 2016

Wedding Planning Can Be Child's Play When The Kids Help Out

When there is a big family event coming up, the kids seem so enthusiastic to help and get involved. But when it’s a wedding that is fast approaching, chances are the bride is quite keen for things to go her way. Still, there are plenty of opportunities for the kids to get involved. After all, a wedding is a huge event, and it takes a lot of planning to get it right. Children are pretty creative, so maybe it’s worth hearing a few of their ideas!

Whether it’s your sister, cousin, or even your own wedding coming up, the kids are going to be excited. Many brides love the idea of the little ones in the family dressing up and playing a part in the ceremony. Page boys, flower girls, ring bearers, and bridesmaids are all ideal roles for the children to play. It’s a huge responsibility for them too. They will have to practice and make sure they know where to go and what to do. Some children are more than willing to toss in their own ideas. Others may need a little encouragement.

Kids can also make things for your wedding that will delight the bride and all the guests. Token sweets or biscuits can be the perfect way to thank the guests for attending. They may even make some of the dishes for the reception banquet! Perhaps they would like to get involved in selecting or designing the wedding invitations? You can look online or visit Pure Invitation for personalised wedding invitations, you may find some ideas to work with.

Older children may relish the chance to design the layout of the room or even some of the decorations. There are so many tasks to complete for a wedding, it makes sense to accept help wherever it may come from. Many DIY or uniquely designed weddings require a lot of creativity. And kids are very good at the little details too. Why not ask them to colour in some paper petals for the happy couple? Garlands, curled ribbons, and table decorations can all be made simply and easily if you would like your children involved.

Older kids can also be quite good at putting together track or playlists for your reception! And some are very keen performers. If you would like your children involved in the wedding, why not encourage them to dance, sing or play a musical instrument? If it’s your wedding, it can become a very special day when your children are so involved. Of course, some kids are shy, and others aren’t keen to get too involved.

Can your kids plan your whole wedding? It’s not easy for anyone to plan a wedding on their own. But your children may be able to come up with some great ideas and easy ways to help you manage the day. Who knows, they may have found an app or two that can help you get everything organised more easily. Would you leave your entire wedding planning to them? Probably not, but wouldn’t it be wonderful to see what they came up with!

**Collaborative Post**

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