Thursday 16 March 2017

Are You Making Enough Memories With Your Kids?

One thing you really notice as soon as you have children is that time starts to fly by. And, given the busy lifestyles we lead and the pressures we are all under to ‘raise our kids right,’ there are often things that we miss due to those time constraints.

Many households have both parents working, for example, and it often means that one - or both - will end up missing important events because of work. And there is the constant pressure to get the kids to bed at the right time, develop a healthy routine, and equip them with the life skills they need to progress. In short, it’s a minefield, which many parents struggle with.

However, while work and bringing up your children in the right manner is important, so is having the time to spend with to create memories. In the future, your child won’t remember that awesome day they spent playing on Daddy’s iPad. But they will remember the sights, smells, and feelings of an excellent day out at the beach or a fantastic holiday.

It’s experiences they will cherish, and it’s up to you to create an environment where their memories of childhood are happy. With this in mind, here are some simple suggestions to help you and your family create fantastic memories you can all cherish long into the future.

Night time stories

Regardless of how busy you are as parents, never neglect the bedtime story - and always read books with your kids whenever you have a spare five minutes. Storytelling is one of the most powerful and memorable things we do as humans, and it’s vital for your child’s development.


Be honest - how much do you actually converse with your kids? It can be tough when you are a busy parent. And, if you are anything like the average mum or dad, most of your communication will involve giving orders rather than having a chat. But conversation helps kids develop their cognitive and memory-making skills, and gives them a chance to remember awesome things they have been doing that day. Not only that, but it gives them a voice and a sense of independence - so, chat more; instruct less!


I have vivid memories of poring through photo albums as a child. Even now when I look at them, I can remember vividly about the occasion when many shots were taken. And it’s struck me recently how things have changed nowadays. Your photos are on Facebook or Instagram now, or in a folder on your home PC - not in the traditional family album. So, don’t just take photos - print them. Arrange a few family photo shoots for special occasions, and keep them safe for the future. While the digital realm has its advantages, I think the traditional family photo album deserves to make a comeback.


As I mentioned above, the biggest and best memories we have from our childhoods are all based on experiences rather than physical products or general entertainment. Holidays, exciting days out, exploring the countryside - they are all great ways of giving your kids fantastic memories they will live with for a long time. Adventure doesn’t have to cost you money, too - so there are no excuses for not finding the time!

**This is a collaborative post.

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