Saturday 17 December 2022

Why Parents Should Attend School Open Days


Open days are a really helpful way for you and your child to get to know their potential future schools, make their first friends and discover what it means to attend a prestigious school. There’s a lot to handle when it comes to your child’s studies, so getting to go to different private school open days will help you find the right place for your child to develop their skills.

 Here are some reasons why open days are really important.

Helps your child understand what they will be studying

Your child might be joining a new school to pick up new subjects, or your child has moved to a new area. Whichever route your child is going down there are ways your child can develop their skills at different schools or colleges. This International Sixth Form, for example, holds open days across the year to help students discover the many different subjects out there to help your child pick out the right subjects for their future studies.

Parents get to meet staff members

Teachers are a great resource for all parents to take advantage of on open days. There will be a lot of opportunities for you to talk with staff about how students manage their time at their school. There is a lot you can chat with teachers about that help your child settle in better and get used to their surroundings.

Gives you and your child a lot more reassurance

You’re able to get used to the bus route, you get to see all of the school facilities and you also have that chance to get used to your child’s new learning environment. These all help you and your child feel a lot more at ease when it comes to their studies, and it will give your child a lot more freedom with their enjoyment in school.

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