Thursday 12 May 2022

Helping Your Child Transition from Nursery into Big School

When the time comes for your child to move up to a big school from nursery, they are probably feeling a mixture of emotions. It can be both exciting and daunting, as there will be lots of new experiences coming their way. 

To make the transition a little easier, I have teamed up with a nursery school in London to share some advice on what parents can do to support their little ones.


Talk About School in a Positive Light


To help your child feel less nervous and more excited about their new school, try and use positive terminology when talking about it. Talk about how exciting it will be to make new friends and explore new hobbies. Avoid saying things like “I hated school when I was your age” because that will fill them with anxiety. 


Take Your Child to Visit the School


If possible, try and take your child to the school a few times before their first day so that they can become more familiar with it. You don’t necessarily have to go inside because even simply getting them used to the journey to and from will help ease some of their nerves.


Encourage Your Child to Be Independent


When your child starts big school, they will be expected to know the basics of looking after themselves, like dressing and undressing for PE, using the toilet, or managing cutlery when eating. With this in mind, encourage your child to attempt these things at home without your help until they become more proficient and therefore more confident. 


Buy the Uniform Together


Get your child involved in buying their new uniform and other school supplies and try and make it an exciting, fun experience for them. Once you have bought the uniform and shoes, encourage them to practice putting it on and taking it off before the start of term so that they are ready for their first day.

Wednesday 11 May 2022

Top Tips for Preparing Your Child for the School Bus


Catching the bus to and from school is a big step for children and it can often fill them with a sense of anxiety. With that said, it’s a good idea for parents to try and prepare their child as much as they can if they are going to be riding the bus going forward. This should help them feel less nervous when the time comes. So, how can parents help prepare their child for the school bus? Here are some tips from a senior school in Surrey.


Practice the Route


Before your child has to start catching the bus on their own, you should practice the route with them a few times first. This will help familiarise them with the journey so they are confident about when they should get on and off. It will also help them feel more comfortable with getting the bus as they’ll know what to expect. 


Talk About It


Don’t avoid the subject of the school bus. Try and ease your child’s nerves by talking about it and using enthusiastic, positive language to describe the experience. Give them the opportunity to ask any questions they may have so that you can put their fears to bed.


Find a Travel Buddy


Talk to the school and see if they can inform you of any other children in the local area who might be catching the same bus. That way, your child will have a familiar face whom they can travel with, even if they don’t necessarily sit together. 


Prepare for the Worst


Chat with your child about what they should do if things go wrong like if they lose their bus pass or money, miss the bus or if it doesn’t turn up. Your child needs to have a plan in place for these scenarios so that they don’t end up panicking.

Tuesday 10 May 2022

How to Help Your Child Learn a New Language


There are lots of benefits to learning a second language, particularly in childhood. It can support cognitive development and aid memory and concentration, as well as improving the ability to multitask. In most UK schools, children must learn a language as part of their education. As a parent, there are various things you can do at home to help them, as explored below by private school in Cheshire.


Encourage Regular Practise


When it comes to learning a new language, the phrase “little and often” comes to mind. Memory is aided by repetition, so the more often your child practises the language, even in short bursts, the more likely they are to remember it. Even if you schedule in half an hour or so each day for studying, the language will sink in more quickly than if they only practise once a week.


Label Everything


As mentioned above, constant exposure is key, so it would benefit your child to label items around the house in the target language so that they can practise the words and phrases every time they see them. 


Use Technology


There are lots of apps and games your child could download onto their smartphone or tablet to help them learn the language, as well as TV shows, music, and audiobooks they could engage in. This will expose them to the language in a fun and entertaining way, as opposed to sitting with their head in a textbook for hours on end. This makes it more engaging and memorable.


Look for a Study Buddy


If you can’t speak the language yourself, you won’t be able to practise with your child. However, you could encourage them to invite a friend over after school so that they can practise together. They will be able to work on their conversational skills, which is difficult to do when studying alone.

Monday 9 May 2022

Helping Your Child Become More Independent

Helping your child with their independence is important for their self-esteem and overall development. This is because it aids them in completing certain tasks without needing help from a grown-up. It’s also important for helping prepare them for the future when they eventually fly the nest.

 I have teamed up with a prep school in West Sussex to share some advice on how you can help your child become more independent. 


Give Them Space


You don’t always need to jump to your child’s side and save the day whenever they have a problem. Doing so won’t help them learn how to overcome obstacles independently. Give them some space to figure things out on their own because even if it takes a little longer, it will help them with their confidence and give them a sense of accomplishment. 


Give Them Chores


As your child grows older, give them some responsibilities around the house. Doing so will allow them to develop various key skills so that they don’t have to rely on you forever. Start off with some simpler tasks so that it is easy for your child to succeed, as this will make them feel good and motivate them to do it again in the future. 


Ask Their Opinion


Help your child understand that they can have their own thoughts and ideas by regularly asking for their opinion, like what you should have for dinner or what movie you should watch. By doing so, you will help them understand that their views are valid and give them some self-assurance. They shouldn’t have to rely on you to speak on their behalf or make decisions all the time, as this won’t lead to an independent thinker. 


Embrace Failure


As your child gets to grips with doing things on their own, they will most likely fail from time to time. When this happens, don’t be too hard on them or make a big fuss as this will damage their self-esteem and they won’t want to try again. Instead, remind them that everyone makes mistakes from time to time, even grownups