Thursday 19 April 2018

Keeping The Spark Alive When You Have Kids

When you first get with your partner, your now husband or wife, I can guarantee that you don’t think things will ever change between you. A spark might fly every time you catch one another gazing into each other's eyes, you go out, you enjoy each others company and life seems good. Fast forward to now and you have children, a house that it chaotic, perhaps pets to deal with and a total of zero time for one another. Sound familiar? While you are probably navigating the ship that is a family life together, it is still important to ensure that you spend some time on your relationship. After all, it is the glue that sticks it all together. I wanted to share with you some of the ways you can keep the spark alive. It might be something you do once every few years or something you make a more regular thing, but the investment is worth it.

Let’s talk about the biggie, a couples only holiday

The big one is, of course, the chance to go away on holiday just you two. This may be something you work towards for when the children are a little older. Perhaps planning a once in a lifetime trip that sees you take in the sights and sounds of locations like Costa Rica, starting your journey at the Courtyard San Jose Airport Alajuela, enjoying a cruise along the Panama Canal, taking in the glorious beaches of Los Cabos in Mexico and taking a road trip around some of the iconic states of the USA. Just a few suggestions there on your bucket list, but it is definitely something to daydream about and plan for the future.

A cheeky night away

Something not as far reaching as a holiday is a night away together and this can work wonders for your relationship. It may only happen on special occasions like birthdays, but these once or twice year opportunities are just what the doctor ordered in terms of reconnection and time to rekindle the romance. It doesn't even need to be anywhere too far or elaborate, often the time you get far outweighs anything else.

A date night

Date nights are one of those things that many couples argue they don’t need, and while it shouldn't take fates to keep your romance alive, they can really help you just enjoy each others company in a different setting. The cinema, a meal out of a coffee date is often enough.

A date at home

Not all of us have the luxury of extra funds to do what we want when we want and so dates at home have become really popular. Taking it in turns to cook, watching box sets or choosing different films to enjoy. It can be a great way to spend quality time without leaving your front door, and the best part of it is you can do it in your pyjamas.

Simple communication daily

Finally, something that can be done daily to keep the spark alive is communication. You don’t need to debate worldly affairs or the latest revelation in politics, but you can discuss each others day, no matter how mundane or boring you think it may sound. Openly discussing what you have done gives insight into each other's lives and it can be the simplest way to just strike up a conversation and be in a moment together.

I hope these ideas help you keep the spark alive in your relationship when you have kids.

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