Tuesday 5 July 2022

Allotment progress

Thought I'd share some plot progress with you, as I haven't really shared much since we took it on in February.

We had a big task to level the ground out and give the soil a good turnover, as nothing had grown on the plot for a few years.

Once Jon had used a rotavator to work the soil, we set about laying a ground sheet to help with weed control and set the beds up and put woodchips down for the paths.

We have done it all gradually but everything has really taken off.
Vegetables that we've planted so far;
Broad beans,
French beans,
Runner beans,
Tomatoes of all kinds,
Yellow courgettes,
Red onions,
White onions,
Rainbow chard,
Sweet potatoes,
Purple Kale,
Red Cabbage,
Brussel sprouts.

Once we've harvested some of the beds we will do a crop rotation and plant up some new veggies

We are already getting little harvests of early crop potatoes, broad beans, and now our courgettes and cucumbers and starting to be able to be picked.


The kids all love coming down and helping pick what needs picking and lending a hand with the watering.
Then chilling in the bean teepee whilst we do whatever needs doing.

We are planning on getting Ducks, we have the run and the duck house, we just need to set it up.
We still need a shed and want to add a polytunnel to the other plot during the winter and we are hoping next year to add a couple of beehives and maybe some more chickens.
I'm also keeping my eye out on the Facebook marketplace for a playhouse for Bea so that she has someone to play with when she is there with us.
I think it will make the whole experience for her more enjoyable.

We are going to completely change the layout over the winter to help us maximize our space and get the most out of it, but for now and in our first year we are feeling very happy with what we've done so far.


1 comment:

  1. Oh wow! It sounds like you have been working hard on the allotment and everything is going great. How exciting. x
