Wednesday 23 November 2022

I'm Back

Life has been crazy and I just haven't had the time to factor in blogging, but I'm hoping I can give it some time now things are settling down and Bea isn't as demanding as she was a couple of months ago.

We've all settled into the new house and the boys are loving their schools and are all doing well.

(though I'm pretty sure I've already said that in my last personal post.)

Noah had a bit of a blip in Easter and we had to deal with that, which took up a lot of time and emotions.

Thankfully we had a lot of help and in September he was ready to start back full-time, and it's like nothing ever happened. I don't really want to go into too much detail about it as I know Noah wouldn't want me sharing it.

Over the summer holidays, we went to stay with my parents, whilst Jon stayed home and fitted our new kitchen.

It was lovely coming home to a brand-new kitchen, the old one was rotten and just didn't work for us.

It was so nice that it gave me the push to spruce up the dining area.
It's now a lot lighter and goes nicely with the kitchen.

Along with doing the house up slowly, the garden also came up trumps and I grew some beautiful dahlias that kept the house in cut flowers right up until this month.

I really can't wait for the next growing season as I really enjoyed it this year.

I have been trying my hand at bread making, and to say it's become a bit of an obsession would be an understatement.

I'm loving it, I try to make a white loaf or tiger loaf a day, as the boys love them, and quite easily eat a whole loaf as soon as it's baked. I've also started my very own sourdough starter and have made a few sourdough loaves. The whole process takes a while but it's definitely worth it.

The chickens are doing well, though now flockdown (avian flu has struck the UK) has started they are getting a little grumpy being stuck in the run, so I am on the look out for handy tips to keep them entertained whilst they are locked up.

The younger three boys have all taken up music lessons at school, and they are all doing really well with them. It's not even an earache listening to them practice.
Oscar even has a solo at the Christmas carol concert next week. 

Bea is a proper little explorer these days and loves being out and about.
We go to a baby group once a week which she loves, she loves helping out with the chickens and bossing the boys about. Her character is really shining through now, she's so funny, and everyone she meets instantly falls in love with her.

She still isn't in her own room yet and would rather co-sleep with me but I know once she is finally ready to sleep in her room she will love it as I'm pretty sure it's the nicest room in the house.

I will be trying to add more posts weekly and get this up and running again and get myself back into the swing of blogging.

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