Tuesday 12 August 2014

The four letter word that fills me with dread!

Mummy can we go to the PARK?!?!?!?

Such an innocent word shouldn't fill me with dread! Alarms bells just go off four boys one mummy one massive park.......something is bound to go wrong, ambulances are going to be called! 

I hate to admit it but I have never taken all four boys to the park by myself!!     Why you ask? 
Well I just over worry about what could happen and what's bound to happen. Really in a normal world (not my over active imagination) the only thing that would happen would be the boys having fun!

I'll happily take them if I know there is going to be other people to help be my eyes and ears.  Not that I need them I just feel safer when there are, even when I have others around I'm always fine and can take control of them and nothing bad happens it's always the other kids falling over scraping their knees or trying to jump off the top of the slide! 

Did I take them to the park before Rupert was here? 
Doesn't Rupert do anything other than sleep? 
Why have I become such a hermit since having him?!?!?
I just don't know.

There are so many parks around here I need to take a deep breath and get out and let the boys enjoy the world.

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