Wednesday 17 September 2014

This week has been no better....

..... It's only Wednesday I know
But this week is pretty much going the same way as lasts 👎 

Sunday we had to take Noah to a&e as his temp was sky high and he was I able to sit up with out his tummy hurting.
Jon took him and I stayed with the little ones.
Once they got to a&e Noah was put on a nebuliser straight away as his breathing wasn't right 

Jon sent me this, which made me cry and ring up my parents to come and look after the littles and let me go up and be with No.
Once I got there he was giggling and messing around with Jon - panic over. He was still really hot. The doctor said she thinks he has an infection in his intestine and we just have to monitor him. 
We kept him off school on Monday so we could keep an eye on him and he was back to normal, his temp spiked a little bug calpol bought that straight down again.
By Tuesday I thought he was fine, sent him off to school and I went off to the twins 27 month developmental check with the health visitors. 
Whilst waiting to be seen Noah's school calls up and suggests he comes home as he's boiling hot again and not himself. 
So he shall have the rest of the week off just so he can rest and get back to normal!

Year two really isn't going so well! 

The boys impressed the health visitors with their language and play skills at their check up. They had no concerns with them and said I was doing a great job.

Which is always nice to hear :) 

After the check up my mum met me with Noah (she went to collect him) and we went to costa coffee to have some lunch 

My little Ru has the sniffles thanks to me :( but he's a star and is still super happy 

Fun things that have happened so far this week


So I've gone and ordered a child loo seat and some sticker charts.
Toilet training is a go go! 

I made a yummy cake 

(It was a packet job, as I was lazy but still super yummy!)

I also made my first body scrub..

Will write a blog on this soon 

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