Wednesday 23 March 2022

Down on the Allotment

We finally got our allotment plots and have been busy trying to get set up for the growing season.
The big plot needed a lot of work as it hadn't been used in a good few years and the ground isn't that great.

So Jon hired a rotavator and gave the ground a good seeing too and we then put down sheeting to help kill off all the weeds underneath.

We are busy making raised beds as we think going up rather than digging down will be our best bet.

We have made 7 beds so far and have enough wood to make the rest, by next weekend we are hoping to have all the beds done.

The kids love coming down to help us and it is becoming a great way to get them off their games.
Even Bea is loving waddling around whilst the boys are busy weeding and spreading out woodchip.

We have so many plans for the plot and know it will take a couple of years to get it how we want it but we are excited to see what we can produce in our first year.

The long-term plan for the small plot is to grow some apple trees, plant some of my cut flowers there, have some beehives, and build a new polytunnel on it.
For the bigger plot that will be mainly where all our veg is planted, we want a shed on there and possibly some ducks as they are good for pest control such as slugs!

I was planning on having chickens on the small plot, but during the strong winds a few weeks ago the polytunnel sheeting in our garden got ripped off and just left the frame behind so I decided that would make a great chicken run, so we have decided to have the chickens at home and my new run arrives this week!

I can't wait to get it all set up and finally have chickens again.
I miss my old ones so much and I regret the day we decided to sell them.
But because of them, I know what we need to do to keep those pesky rats away, and thankfully where the new chickens are going to be there aren't many hiding places for said rats to hide, so hopefully, it won't be too bad this time around.

I'm looking forward to sharing the plot's progression on here as well as my flowers that I have been busy planting up in the garden.

Do you have an allotment?
If so what are your handy tips?


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