Monday 14 November 2016

Daddy's Boy

Does your child have a favourite?
Oscar certainly does!

When telling him I love him, his response is 'I love Daddy'.
It is like he can only love one if us, so Daddy is his choice and nothing will sway him.
Even when I tell him its ok to love both of us, he still responds with I love daddy.
Even if I'm comforting him, he will still sob into my chest that he loves daddy.

When the twins were younger they each picked a grandparent from my side and Jon's side and said that was their granny.
They have only recently just figured out that both my mum and Jon's mums are their grannies and that's ok!
They can have two and they no longer have to pick which one is theirs.

Is it a twin thing?
Do they only think they can have one parent, maybe they don't fancy sharing their special people?

Even though its like a slap in the face every night come bedtime I stay strong and respond with and Daddy loves you too.
There's not much more I think I can do, other than take it on the chin and hope he gets over it and realises its ok to love the both of us.

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