Monday 7 November 2016


The plan for Saturday was to take the boys to their first ever proper fireworks display in Carshalton.
The place that I have been going every year since I was young.

But over the Halloween period I noticed that Oscar wasn't really a fan of the big bangs and Rupert didn't even want to entertain the noise.

So we decided it would probably be better to have a display in the garden,

1. because then the boys wouldn't have walk all the way to Carshalton,
2. They wouldn't have to deal with crowds of people and loud noises,
3. it sounded much less stressful for everyone doing it at home,
4. by the time we had bought tickets and food and light up toys for the boys, it would have cost as much as it did for the 3 boxes of fireworks.

My aunt, uncle and cousin came over to enjoy the fun, and have some dinner.
It was really nice to spend the evening with just the family and the boys absolutely adore my cousin Sam, so they didn't even care about not going to the proper fireworks display.

As I suspected Oscar didn't enjoy it one bit, he spent most of the time hiding behind my cousin Sam, and Rupert hid into my chest and made me cover his ears!

Everyone else really enjoyed themselves.
Mum made the boys hot dogs to eat whilst my dad donned his danger hat and ran around lighting the fireworks.

Once the banging had all stopped Ru decided he'd have a go on a sparkler and smile a little.
When showing him the photo's of the fireworks he was very impressed with them.
Next year I think ill be buying some ear defenders for him and Oscar.

We made our very own guy and named her Gertrude.
Some of my mums tights stuffed with paper and a Halloween mask that we picked up in Sainsbury's bargain bin!

She went up a treat and the boys loved watching her burn!

Did you go to a fireworks display this weekend?
Or did you have an at home display?

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