Saturday 19 June 2021

Getting Your Child To Like Science

 How to Raise a Science Lover

Science gives children the opportunity to practice and develop many different skills. This diverse subject offers numerous advantages to your child’s education. Science helps to encourage curiosity, problem-solving and sparks new ideas. Most importantly, science gives children a better understanding of how the world works. 

If you would like your child to develop an interest in science from an early age, here are some helpful tips from an independent school in London

Have fun with your child’s questions

There are many fantastic resources available for teaching your child about science; however one of the best places to start is exploring your child’s own questions and ideas. For example, if your child asks you why the sun and moon change, you could set up a learning activity using a globe and a torch to demonstrate. If they ask why certain objects sink and float, you can experiment in the garden using your paddling pool. The trick is to always make learning science fun!

Take science learning outdoors

Exploring the great outdoors is another fun way to teach your child about science. Encourage your child to explore plants and wildlife by making it interesting. Children can help in the garden by planting seeds and helping them grow. You could even give them a jar and a magnifying glass and let them collect flowers, leaves and insects. They can then use the magnifying glass to study them closely and learn more about them. Exploring nature together will also teach your child to respect the environment and all living things. 

Add science to play activities

Finally, try to incorporate science learning into your child’s play activities. Building blocks and modelling clay are both ideal for introducing science to younger children. These activities encourage children to be creative and problem-solve, which are both important science skills. If you don’t mind getting messy, you could also introduce some safe home experiments like making slime. Children LOVE slime and it is a great way to teach them about chemical bonds and molecules.

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