Thursday 30 March 2017


I've been a little quiet on the blog for the past two weeks, due to a few reasons. 
One of which is Rupert has chickenpox!

My youngest and first to catch them.
None of the others have had it yet, so now as Ru's start to scab over I'm on spot watch on the others.
I'm dreading Noah getting them as I know he'll be the one to make the most fuss.

Ru was pretty grizzly to start with but if I had a stream of snot running down my face all the time I think I would be too!

I was given lots of suggestions from lots of lovely mummies over on Instagram, I made sure I had some tricks up my sleeve to help deal with the itch when it came!

What I used -
Boots allergy relief for ages 1 and up
Oats, which I made into bath bombs with a pair of old tights. Then every bath time he had an oat bath which is meant to help sooth the skin.
This was amazing, Jenny came over on Monday and suggested I try it as her mum recommended it.
it cost around £8 and I found it in Sainsburys.

Instantly after the first use his spots looked less angry and he stopped itching completely!

Most of his spots are now starting to scab over so hopefully by next week he'll be back to normal and back to nursery.

Even with him having Chicken Pox, I stuck to his new bedtime routine and made sure he was asleep by 8.
Most nights its worked, but he is still getting up at 10 to get into my bed.
A few times I have tried to get him back into his bed, but then that only works for an hour and then he's up again.

Once he's full better I think ill be giving that another go and will be trying my hardest to stick at it.

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