Monday 17 July 2017

A Sound Night’s Sleep For You And The Dog

Living with a dog can feel much like having a newborn baby in the house, sometimes. With their need for attention taking full-force as you put your head down, it can be impossible to get a good night’s sleep with a canine. 

Dog, Model, French Bulldog, View

Of course, some aren’t as bad as others. But, even the most well-behaved girls and boys still need a bit of help, sometimes. In most cases, owners will work on ways to make this better for themselves, by finding somewhere to put the dog without distractions. 
But, in a lot of cases, this doesn’t tackle the real issue.
Instead, it’s better to focus on the dog. And, more specifically, getting the dog to have a good night’s sleep. To help you with this, this post will be going through three of the best ways to achieve this sort of goal.

You can look at a dog in a similar way to a child. They don’t care how much sleep they get at night because they can’t understand the consequences of not getting very much. 
Without the burdens of work and adult life, dogs can sleep as much or as little as they please. So, you have to find ways to get them sleep if you want them to get through entire nights. Like a child, you should never feed your dog right before bedtime. 
And, they should never be expected to sleep without exercise. Your routines for both food and exercise have to be the same each day, to avoid complicating the issue. 
For most dogs, this will mean three meals a day with the same amount of walks. But, of course, you know your dog better than anyone. And, you’ll have to figure this out yourself.

Dog, Puppy, Papillon, Eyes, Snout, Nose, Hair, Face

Dogs can’t complain when they aren’t very comfortable. But, this doesn’t mean that they don’t experience discomfort.
On a bad bed, your dog could be struggling to sleep simply because they can’t find the right spot. And, this is easy to solve. 
Leather dog beds are becoming very common on the internet. A lot of these products are being filled with resilient materials, like memory foam, nowadays, too. So, getting your dog a bed which will last for years to come is nice and easy. And, with these materials making them, they will also be a lot more comfortable for your good boy or girl, even in summer.

Once you have your new bed, you’re still not quite done, yet. Along with the right sort of bed to sleep on, most dogs will only find it easy to sleep if the bed is in the right place. 
You might not like it, but the best place for a dog’s bed is in a room where humans are sleeping. Like a child, your dog can’t rationalise their fears like you can. Instead, if they get spooked at night, they could be unsettled for hours. 
The comfort they will feel being allowed to sleep near you could solve this issue entirely. And, it will make them feel like a much greater part of your family.

Pug, Dog, Pet, Animal, Puppy, Cute, Wrapped, Blanket

Hopefully, this post will inspire you to start working on your dog’s sleeping situation as soon as you can. 
Not a lot of dog owners consider this sort of work to be important to their dog. But, as a caring owner, you should be doing everything in your power to make your dog sleep as well they can. It’ll be worth it, too, once you are able to sleep soundly each night.

*Collaborative Post

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