Monday 13 December 2021

Review // Baby's 1st Christmas ideas with Jaques of London

It's going to be Bea's very first Christmas and we all cannot wait!
Having a baby in the house has up'd the festive magic and everyone is feeling it, probably everyone except Bea as she is pretty clueless to what time of the year it is.

The boys are even more excited than usual as they can't wait to see her face on Christmas morning.

In the early stages of pregnancy Jon and I decided that we would try to be more environmentally friendly when it came to baby items and toys we would try to invest in more wooden ones than plastic.
So for Christmas, we have asked everyone who asked to buy wooden toys rather than the plastic-type, as one they always tend to last longer and they look nicer and it's better for the planet.

Jaques of London have a beautiful range of wooden toys for one-year-olds and as Bea is nearly one I was very kindly sent some to review.

Bea is a very busy baby and is into everything, so when deciding which ones to go for it was tricky as there was such a great selection of wooden toys to pick from.

In the end, I decided to go with a shape sorter and a shape stack, the boys all had similar toys when they were her age and they were always a big hit, so I knew I was on to a winner.

I love the bright colours and how well the toys are made. the shape sorter has a range of different shapes, which are all labelled, so when the baby is bigger they can start learning the correct names for the shapes as part of their early learning. 
The shapes are lovely and smooth and perfect for tiny hands to grab hold off. 
Everything fits into the box and can be tidied away easily at the end of the day. 
Something that is always a big thing in my house, as I'm not a fan of having toys scattered around once the kids are asleep.

The shape stacker is in a beautiful rainbow flower design, perfect for my little rainbow baby and perfect for having out on display when the toy is not in use, another advantage of wooden toys is they also look nice popped on a shelf in a nursery or playroom when they're not in use.

Bea took straight away to the shape stacker and instantly started taking the flowers off the pole and trying to put them back on, her hand-eye coordination isn't quite there yet but I don't think she's far off.

Both toys are perfect for helping children develop their problem-solving skills and fine motor skills, skills that are essential in growing children.
I think they're both great educational toys all around and I know Bea will get plenty of fun from both for a long time to come.

They both make perfect Christmas presents or even first birthday presents.
 They came beautifully packaged and all ready to be placed under the Christmas tree for the big day.
Jaques of London have a great range of wooden toys for all ages on their website, so if these two gifts don't take your fancy I'm sure you'll be able to find some that do.

**I was gifted these items for free in return for an honest review, 
all thoughts are my own

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