Wednesday 1 December 2021

Exploring Moral Values with Your Child


Moral values are key beliefs that all of us as human beings should follow and instil throughout their lives. They define what’s right and wrong and separate the good and bad, which children should be made aware of as they grow up. 

As parents we should be guiding our children through these core values that will shape and define your child into educated and mindful adults. 


In this guide we take a look at how you can explore moral values with your child at this private school in London.

  • Be their role model

A lot of times, children will be following their parents and seeing what they do to better themselves. Even in the slightest of actions children will be keen to follow their parents in what they do or what they suggest. 

This is where you should be acting positive actions in front of your child and let them follow your guide. If they see how you treat others, offer respect and express gratitude in front of others, they’re more likely to follow your lead.

  • Practice through role playing

You can quiz your child gently by having them look at different situations and see what they’ll do when you pose them questions. Ask them what they would do if they saw a friend in distress, or if they saw a child dropped their favourite toy and didn’t notice. 

Depending on how old your child is, you’ll be able to instil positive values in your child from an early age.

  • Play problem solving games

Board games are a great way of getting kids to solve problems and understand that they won’t always win! Show them that while making mistakes or “losing” doesn’t mean that they can’t handle problems in the future. 

The more problem solving games your child plays, the better they can handle whatever’s thrown at them.

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