Wednesday 12 August 2015

The wildlings on Telly...

Well not quite but very nearly!!

My little crazies had their first ever audition this morning!
We only found out late yesterday afternoon, so it was all rush, rush, stress, stress making sure they had a nice outfit and decent looking trainers .... Have to say theirs were looking a bit worn.

So after bedtime yesterday I drove like a mad woman (obviously a safe driving mad woman) down to Morrisons and across to sports direct! 

My luck was on as Morrisons had just put all their summer stuff in the sale!
Bargain for me!
Shirts were £3.50 and the shorts were £5 each! 
Their Adidas trainers were £19.99 each.
Not bad really, when some sport shops charge a small fortune! 

After my little shopping trip it was home to pack. 
We decided to come to our parents and stay, as one its a nightmare getting to London from the Isle of Sheppey and two I have to be in London again on Friday morning.
So it just made more sense.
Our lovely neighbour is on kitten and cat dutie and Ray has come along for a little trip. 

We had to be at Whitechapel for 11.45 today, so we left our home at around 8 ish and got to my mums in Surrey just before 10.

We made it on time even after walking around in one big circle and then had to wait around for around an hour. 
The boys weren't too fussed as there was juice on tap and an endless amount of fruit to eat. 
Not to mention a sea of other little twins around to play with.
Something I won't forget in a long time.
Very strange seeing so many little people who have a double! 

The boys were on top form until they got called in to the casting directors cabin....... Oscar started screaming and Alex went all shy!
Alex did do a teeny little bit what they asked but Oscar wanted no part in it!

They didn't get the part....I didn't really expect them too.
I'm not too disappointed, I'm just happy they got a chance. 

All this came from responding to an email from TAMBA as they occasionally they send out media requests.

The boys are now under an agency and we've been told they will let us know if anything else pops up that would be suitable for them. 
So watch this space! 

Overall they had a great laugh getting on the train and flirting with all the people! 

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