Monday 31 August 2015

Goodbye August

August, strangely has been a ridiculously busy month.
My blogging has taken a back seat whilst we have been enjoying family activities.

We've been to the beach lots, we even flew a kite along the beach front on Saturday which the twins absolutely loved!
We have been swimming,
The twins had an exciting trip to London,
Lots of friends have come over to see the house and have a day out with us, 
We've had lots of trips to see the grandparents.

September will see Noah starting Year 3!!! 
He is going up a whole key stage and its blowing my mind that he is no longer my little baby boy, he's becoming far too independent for my liking, I miss the days of co sleeping with my little NoNo and having him cling on to my like a little monkey who never wanted to stray to far from the nest! 

The twins will be at Nursery full time come Thursday.
The house will be eerily calm while the wildlings cause havoc elsewhere and I'll have no idea what to do with myself and Rupert! 

The blog also has lots coming up 
Lots of book reviews - from Noah, myself and the Twins. 
Woman's health post
Baby vs sleep - my top tips for a good nights sleep
Back to school - prepare tips
Weekend box club review 
Baking with me
Also I'll be sharing my meal planning with you. 

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