Monday 7 March 2016

Nutribuddy || How I'm Getting On

I was very kindly sent the Nutribuddy weight loss starter kit which contains;
Sculpting Whey,
Hunger Fix.

What's what....

Sculpting Whey -

I help with weight loss, toning and definition. I can be taken as a meal / snack replacement or before and after exercise.
  • Suitable for men and women
  • Only 115 calories per serving
  • Helps with weight loss and muscle definition
  • Tastes delicious and can be mixed with milk or water
  • Can be used to make foods such as smoothies, protein pancakes and protein porridge

Hunger Fix -
I’m a small but powerful bag of 100% natural tablets. I help you lose weight by making you feel full.
  • Suppresses appetite
  • Contains Glucomannan (natural ingredient) which contributes to weight loss
  • Free from any potentially harmful ingredients
  • Suitable for men and women

Who are Nutribuddy??

"Here at Nutribuddy®, our goal is to develop the most effective, safe and natural products on the market, which are both fun to take and help you achieve your ideal figure.
Our products are designed to work equally well for both men and women.
We’re based in Manchester, United Kingdom and we ship Worldwide.
We believe happiness does not come from looking “perfect” but from achieving your own personal goals and feeling confident in yourself."

I'm currently on a mission to rid myself of my extra "baby weight" that I've been carrying around for the past few years.
I want to be able to fit into my jeans with out that muffin top rolling over the tops of them, and back fat who really needs that!?!?!
Not me!
I want to feel sexy in just my undies. I haven't felt sexy in years.
I have been hiding away in the dark and not letting Jon see me naked or in my undies.
Something he absolutely hates and wishes I would just get over as he loves me no matter what.

I've been having my shakes for a week now and I'm really impressed with the results.
My hips already look like they've shrunk and my C-section over hang seems to be improving.
My jeans fit better and I just feel 10x better within myself.

My chocolate cravings have diminished which for me is unheard of!

This week I'm planning to add some exercise into the mix, by doing some Zumba, using Jon's exercise bike and going swimming!

I chucked out my scales a while back but now I'm using the shakes I'm desperate to know what my weight is, so that's on my to buy list so I can keep track.

This is my Before shot, I wasn't planning to share it so soon,  but because I'm already seeing results I'm not too caught up in show you all my mismatching undies!

Once I feel I've got to where I want I think some new undies will be on the to buy list!
Goodbye granny pants and falling apart bras!!!

If you fancy finding out more why not head over to -

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