Saturday 18 April 2015

Clarks first shoes

Getting your baby's first pair of shoes is one of those big milestone every mother gets excited about!

I've loved getting all the boys their first shoes and every time I've always gone to Clarks. I believe they offer the very best for tiny tots....sometimes I'm not 100% keen on the looks of some of them but have always been 100% happy with the choice I pick.

When buying your baby's first pair of shoes, you usually get a photo taken and put into a card with their shoe size to keep as a nice keepsake.
I still have Noah's and the twins in my special mummy box. 
Unfortunately today Ru wasn't so lucky to get his photo taken. 
I had my camera to hand so i got a few snaps. The sales assistant was quite young and the shop was pretty busy so I'm not going to get too upset or angry about it as I have my blog to remind me of Ru's first shoe shopping experience. Which really was fun, me and my mum had a good laugh watching Ru walking in shoes for the first time. 

Once we had paid he walked across Wallington square to Sainsburys all by himself in his new fancy shoes. When I scooped him up and popped him back in the Tula he looked very pleased with himself!! 

Once home Ru took his shoes on many mini adventures around my parents garden. Oscar even stopped him in his tracks and had a little talk about his new footwear to which Ru nodded and waddled off.

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