Friday 6 May 2016

Family Games Night || Hasbro Games Review - Junior Monopoly

The Week starting the 24th April was National Board Games Week and to celebrate we were sent Hasbro's Junior Monopoly to play during our very own Family Games Night.

Being able to play a game that the boys can join in with and understand is great. The twins have always wanted to play Jon's Zelda Monopoly and always get frustrated when we say oh you wont understand it, your too little!

With Junior Monopoly there is no worries of them not understanding what's going on, and what they should be doing.

The game age range is 5+, so we needed to help them a bit by reading out the chance cards and helping them count their money - a lot of the properties are only 1M, 3M and so on, so that they could do themselves.

When it came to me taking pictures of our "Games Night" that was actually taken during an afternoon over the bank holiday weekend, they didn't want to play and wanted to be upstairs playing with their Ninja Turtles.

The Board

I set up the bean bags, the game and some snacks and got down to business, Jon, Noah and myself -
Rupert decided he want to play - by play I mean pick up the boat and run around with it and place it randomly on the board and knock over all the chance cards.

Our set up

I loved the fun atmosphere the game brought, and it was lovely seeing Noah enjoy himself away from his PS4 (the thing I hate most in this house!)
Even Jon the grump enjoyed himself, he usually wins at Monopoly but this time he actually lost.
I nearly cried with laughter when he realised he wasn't going to win.

Even Ray wanted in on the fun

Noah won and was over the moon, he got the most properties and had the most money, he was the banker so maybe he takes after Jon and cheats!!
Who knows!

We will be having a games night once a week, as we all really enjoyed it.
Hopefully next time the twins will join in!

Noah the winner and his array of missing teeth!

During National Board Games week Pork Farm were giving families taking part a chance to win a board games bundle and a years supply of Pork Farm' pork pies.

I actually forgot to enter our family, but I wish luck to everyone who did!!

Do you host a family games night in your home, if so what's your favourite game to play??

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