Tuesday 30 August 2016

Unmissable Tips For Mums On Getting Creative With The Kids

It’s so important that we teach our children to be creative. It will ensure they grow up with a great imagination and have brilliant creative skills which they can use during art at school. It’s a perfect time to get creative during the summer holidays when the days are long and boring for kids. After all, you don’t want them just sitting in front of a TV show or movie.

Research has found it can impair creative development as kids don’t have to use their imagination. They see characters and images in front of them, so they don’t need to imagine anything themselves. Therefore, it’s time to get creative and have some fun! Here are some un-missable tips for mums on getting creative with the kids.

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Create some cards for family members and friends

You can ensure your kids get creative by making some cards for family members and friends. It doesn’t have to be for a special occasion; they may just want to give them a card when they come over. However, if it is a birthday coming up, it will save you some pennies by making a card yourself! To make some great cards for family members and friends, you need to get some card and paper as a base for your kids. You can then get some gel pens, paints, and glitter out so that they can decorate them to their hearts content. Buy some stickers so that they can make the cards unique. You might want to work with them so that they can practice their writing skills at the same time. Show them how to write the person’s name so that they are learning how to do it themselves. Once they have finished with the cards, you can get them to design the envelope as well, so it looks amazing. If you don’t want to have to buy all the items separately, you can buy some card making kits which will have everything they need.

Child, Kid, Play, Tranquil, Study, Color, Write, Learn

Have fun with paper mache

All kids love some fun with paper mache. It’s so easy to make and can be used to create sculptures, dolls, and puppets. You can also paint the surface once it’s dried so that the kids can add patterns and bright colors. It’s very easy to make paper mache, you just need one part flour with one part water to make the mix.
Then you need to find the item that you want to paper mache. It might be an old bowl or even a balloon. You can then dip pieces of newspaper in your paper mache mix and start applying it to the object. It’s very fun for the kids as they will love to get messy!

Once it’s covered, you should leave it to dry for a couple of hours before the kids can start colouring the item. Remember to ensure the area is all covered before you begin, as it will get everywhere!

Have a baking day

If you want to get creative with the kids, one great way of doing this would be by baking!
Decide on a few items you would love to make with the kids. You can find some brilliant kids cookbooks which they can look through to find something easy to make. Then once you have a recipe, you can start preparing the ingredients. Find easy jobs for the kids to do such as stirring the bowl and rolling the dough. You can work with them to pour the mixture into bowls before putting it into the oven to cook. They will love seeing the finished result and eating the delicious cakes or biscuits!
You may want to buy a ready-made cake and just let them have fun icing and decorating the cake. You can buy them sugar flowers and hundreds of thousands to make it look fantastic. It’s great to get them to be creative, and they will have skills for life!

Create a hand or footprint

Kids love getting creative and they can even be part of the picture by doing a hand or footprint.
Ideal for little ones, it’s an easy way for them to get creative.
Cover their hands or toes in paint and then let them stand on a piece of card or paper. It’s a lot of fun for them, and the result will be a fantastic picture of their hand or feet. They can then give it to their dad when he gets back from work. I talked about creating a hand print before in this blog.

Hand, Handprint, Finger Paints, Watercolor, Reprint
                    Image from Pixabay

Create puppet characters

It can be really fun for your kids to create some puppet characters.
They can then use these to put on a fun show for you and your other half. All they need to create these is a bit of card and old buttons to make the face. You can even buy some felt to create the puppet character some clothes. Then you can get some little sticks so that they can attach the character and put on a fun puppet show. You might need to get some Glue dots from Glue Guns Direct or a similar company, which will hold the facial features on the puppet.
That way, they won’t fall apart when your little one is putting on a show!

Have some fun with play-doh

Play-doh is one of kids favourite compounds which is used for art and craft at home.
It gets everywhere so it’s a parent’s nightmare, but it will keep your little one entertained for ages. And as this feature explains, you may have to contend with the mess, but the creative benefits will make it worthwhile! You can get many different sets which will enable your kid to create fun characters. There are even themed ones such as minions which the kids will love. If you don’t want to pay out for play-doh, you can make your own easily with just some flour, warm water, salt, vegetable oil, and food colouring!

Image result for PLAY-DOH

You can find many things to paint around the house so that you don’t have to spend a fortune on buying items. Old bowls, cups, and bags are fantastic for your kids to get creative.

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