Monday 15 August 2016

Little Tikes Spinning Seas Water Table || Review

We were recently sent the Little Tikes Spinning Seas Water table.
Ru loves water, so much so that he recently flooded our downstairs toilet by playing in the sink and watching the water flow over the sides, only then coming to tell me there was an "uh-oh".

I knew the table would be a hit with him.

It took next to no time to put up, most of it just clicked together and only the middle part needed a couple of screws.

If I can build it, anyone can.
The twins even helped out.
It comes packed in a decent sized box, with full instructions on how to assemble.

Features of the Spinning Seas Water table:  • Toddlers develop "put and take" and early motor skills with this engaging water table
  • Kids can put balls down the tower, watching them as they go down and spin the wheels
  • Turn the Ferris wheel to scoop up and drop off balls
  • Shoot the balls into the water with the ball launcher
  • Turn the spinner to keep the water moving
  • The balls each have a character on them
  • Accessories include:
    * 1-Cup
    * 5-Character balls
  • Holds 7 gallons of water

The boys have spent hours upon hours playing with the water, it brings much more entertainment that a normal paddling pool.
I've even added bubbles to the water to make the play slightly different, which they all thought was amazing.

As soon as they wake up they are begging me to fill it up with water so they can carry on from where they left off the pervious day.

There is a plug which makes for easy water removal, but Jon has been using the left over water to water the plants at the end of the day, so we are being rather eco friendly and not wasting water!


Rupert adores his new water table with a passion.
I think what he likes the most is that he can splash and spill without me telling him "no don't do that!"
He has the freedom to do what he loves and that's play with water.

Water play Is one of his ways that helps him calm down when he's worked himself up because of one thing or another.

The twins even enjoy playing with it, they do try and show Ru all the different things he can, but Ru likes to learn at his own pace so he often tells them off for trying to get involved.

Much to the twins amusement they have successfully managed to catapult 2 out of 5 balls over the fence to our neighbours garden with the ball launcher.
Luckily the neighbours have been nice enough to pop them back over the fence before Rupert noticed.

Some benefits of Water play are -

 Social and Emotional Development.
Water play is one of the most relaxing activities children can experience. After all, many adults relax in a warm bubble bath or hot shower! Water play relieves tension by encouraging children to release their emotions with pouring, pounding, and swooshing. In addition, social skills expand as children play cooperatively; negotiate; and share equipment, space, and materials.

Physical Development.
Water play encourages the development of eye/hand coordination through pouring, squeezing, stirring, painting, scrubbing, and squirting. Children strengthen their gross motor skills by running, dodging water drops, and hopping through a sprinkler. They widen their sensory experiences as they put their hands in different textures (gritty, squishy, and slimy) and different temperatures (warm, cool, and cold)

Social and Emotional Development.
Water play is one of the most relaxing activities children can experience. After all, many adults relax in a warm bubble bath or hot shower! Water play relieves tension by encouraging children to release their emotions with pouring, pounding, and swooshing. In addition, social skills expand as children play cooperatively; negotiate; and share equipment, space, and materials.

You can see the other benefits of water play here

Rupert has loved showing me all the different colours of the balls, and enjoys watching the water pour over the water wheels.
One of his favourite things to do in his water table is to wash his Disney cars.

Little Tikes is a well known brand and you always get what you pay for.
Quality that will last a life time!

You can buy this Little Tikes Spinning Seas water table from the Little Tikes website for £47.99

**I was sent the product for free, in return for an honest review, all thoughts are my own**

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