Sunday 3 July 2016

MySundayPhoto || The Church of St. Thomas

 Yesterday we headed of to a church fate.
Our neighbours told us where it was and how nice the fate usually is.
So after doing all the Sunday chours we jumped in the car and headed off to find this church.

We took a couple of wrong turns but found it eventually.

It really was in the middle of nowhere.
I have a strange thing for churches and this one was just perfect to me.
In the middle of nowhere, you could see it had a lot of history behind it and it had wonderful stain glasses Windows.

Inside was just as lovely as outside. I'll visit again when it's not so busy so I can really take it all in, probably a day when the boys are all in nursery and school. 

The fate was nice too, the boys all won a teddy on the tombola and had a balloon blown up for them from the salvation army.

The Church of St. Thomas the Apostle was built in 1089. 


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